REASONS TO KEEP WRITING: WILLIAM SAFIRE, age 79, of the New York Times and Pulitzer Prize-winning conservative columnist, language expert and former White House speechwriter for President Richard Nixon. Safire spent more than 30 years writing on the Op-Ed page of The New York Times. In his "On Language" column in The New York Times Magazine and 15 books, Safire traced the origins of words and everyday phrases such as "straw-man," ''under the bus" and "the proof is in the pudding." As a speechwriter in the Nixon White House, Safire penned Vice President Spiro Agnew's famous phrase, "nattering nabobs of negativism," a tongue-in-cheek alliteration that Safire claimed was directed not at the press but Vietnam defeatists.
2010 OKLAHOMA WRITERs FEDERATION (OWFI) WRITERS CONFERENCE - April 29-May 1, 2010, at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Four agents, 8 editors. Info:
Ms. MAGAZINE - intern’l womens issues w/emphasis on in-depth investigative reporting and feminist political analysis. Considers articles on politics, social commentary, popular culture, law, education, art, environment. Considers only queries for non-fiction. Guidelines:
OKLAHOMA TODAY - regional bi-monthly magazine. Stories, essays, columns, etc. focus on Oklahoma's people and places, of what Oklahoma is all about. Guidelines:
PHOTO LIFE MAGAZINE, Canada - submit a collection of images for publication or an article w/ photos. Negotiate fees and rights. Guidelines:
TEXAS PARKS & WILDLIFE - the Outdoor Magazine of Texas. Looking for strong, well-researched and eloquently written stories on all aspects of the Texas outdoors, state park destinations, conservation issues, trends, and such outdoor activities as fishing, hunting, camping, bicycling, canoeing and hiking. Also publishes many features that don't necessarily fit into the categories listed. Guidelines:
OREGON QUARTERLY MAGAZINE – regional mag of features and U of O alumni profiles. 1500–3000/wds; short subjects 400–1000/wds. $100 to $350+. Pays kill fee. Guidelines:
THE COUNTRY CONNECTION, Canada – Ontario's mag of choice for history, heritage, nostalgia, nature, environment, travel and the arts, published twice a year: winter/spring & summer/autumn. Accepting material for summer/autumn issue. 1000-1500/wds. Guidelines:
JUST CAUSE – looking for nonfiction, photos/artwork on the Arts, Education, Healthcare, Environment, Civic Causes and International Issues. Guidelines:
READER’S DIGEST – looking for General interest subjects, dramatic narratives, articles about everyday heroes, crime dramas, adventure stories. Reprints up to $400. Guidelines:
WARREN ADLER SHORT STORY CONTEST – Deadline: April 11, 2010. Entry fee: $15. 2500/wds. Subject matter is completely open to the author. The goal of the contest is to encourage and publicize the short story as a viable and quality literary form. First Prize: $1000. People's Choice Prize: $500. Three remaining finalists: $150 each. Guidelines:
FRIENDS OF ACADIA POETRY COMPETITION – Deadline: April 30, 2010. No entry fee.
Nature-based poems of 30 lines max. Prizes: $350, $250, $150. Guidelines:
OnceWritten SPRING FICTION CONTEST - Deadline: April 30, 2010. Entry fee: $20
$1000 & publication. Guidelines:
AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (ALA) ANNUAL SHOW - display your book(s) at annual show. Info:
LITERARY CONTEST SCAMS –Writers should bookmark this link & check the list before entering any contest.